GLUE Content is a Melbourne based video content production and animation agency, producing content for some of Australia’s leading companies, brands, agencies and sporting organisations.

Want Conversions? Video it is.

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Want Conversions? Video it is.

As algorithms continue to dominate how we make content, the actual purpose behind social media marketing can easily be forgotten. Likes, comments and shares are great – but conversions are the goal. For most small businesses, the purpose of working tirelessly at your social media is to convert your engagements into sales. So, what should you be posting to boost conversions? 

Text – big no. We all know that lengthy texts post struggle to hold people’s attention. Images – this used to be the go-to; beautiful, meticulously crafted and filtered pictures of your products looking their best dominated Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. However, the new king of content is video. 

Video Killed The Insta-Filter Star

There are two reasons why video content is now dominating every platform. The first has to do with Facebook and Instagram competing with YouTube as the top video platform. This is where the algorithm is thankfully on your side. Facebook will give your posts priority if you have long and original video content to share. You can read about how Facebook and other platforms are prioritising video content in our article here. 

The second reason is because video content is proving to have the strongest ROI for digital marketers. You want stats, right? We know you do. 

  • 72% of consumers would rather learn about products through video than image or text
  • 95% of consumers are more likely to remember a call to action if it’s conveyed through video 
  • The average user will spend 88% more time on a website with video content 
  • Marketers who use video content grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users

What do those stats mean for digital marketers? They mean that consumers are going to be learning about your products, and spending more time on your websites. And when you do give them the call to action – Sign Up To Our Newsletter, Second Pair Half Price, First Purchase Receive 10% Discount – they are much more likely to remember it and interact with it. The simple truth is that there is a high demand for video content. It’s the thing most users want more of in their feeds.Video killed the radio star, the newspaper star, and the photography star. So if your brand can deliver strong, smart video marketing, you will begin to see stronger sales returns on those engagement numbers.

GLUE Content is a Melbourne based video content production and animation agency, producing content for some of Australia’s leading companies, brands, agencies and sporting organisations. 

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