GLUE Content is a Melbourne based video content production and animation agency, producing content for some of Australia’s leading companies, brands, agencies and sporting organisations.

Video For Small Businesses

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Video For Small Businesses

Post by Felicity Whelan, Managing Director – GLUE Content

Back when video technology was still emerging, and the equipment and skills needed, hadn’t hit ‘High Street’, the medium was branded with an expensive price tag for small businesses – and rightly so! With only a limited number of professionals and costly equipment, it was a costly exercise for any business, let alone one with a smaller budget.

However, in 2017, video is as easy as 1, 2, 3. Film something on your phone (Samsung, Android, Apple, it doesn’t matter); splice it together with an app and upload to a video-sharing service like YouTube, or increasingly, Facebook.  Voila! Click here to read our video upload tips!

This trickle-down effect means that professional video services have also become more accessible to smaller businesses, with production costs falling significantly from those earlier days and the skills now more easily found.

That said, for effective and long-lasting results, it is worth bringing the experts in. They’ll be able to inform you on things like audience, relevance, publication and content. They’ll know about production value, timelines, budgets and file types, and be able to guide you on your way to video success.

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However, that doesn’t mean a video production company will do everything for you. From a business perspective, once the end product is in your hands, there is plenty to think about. Make sure you increase the audience by promoting any video across as many channels as possible. To ensure it is spread widely, make it easy to find and share and ensure that it is mobile compatible. Gone are the days of low data – videos are now streamed just as regularly on mobiles as they are on desktops and tablets.

It’s also worth finding a spot for it on your website. However, don’t be drawn into the idea of having something take up the whole screen and automatically play. People do not like that!

Instead, find a place that will capture the visitor’s attention and offer the opportunity to learn more. Including an easy share option will also tend to prove beneficial.

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You’ll also have to do some work around the general campaign strategy. While the video may be the jewel in your marketing crown, it’s worth considering how you are going to catch people’s attention. Most of the time, it’s about being creative, offering an alternative look at your product or service and enticing people to either buy or use whatever you’re selling.

With its popularity continuing to grow, even at a grassroots level, video is becoming more accessible than ever. With proven success and stats that show it’s not slowing down anytime soon, it’s worth considering how you can implement video in your content marketing plan.

Need help telling a story for your next video production in Melbourne? We are a Video Content Digital Agency in Melbourne that specialise in producing great video content and animations that will set your brand or company apart. Get in touch today!