7 Tips for Filming an Interview on a Smartphone
Post by Felicity Whelan, Managing Director – GLUE Content
The video production industry is changing rapidly. As technology progresses, there is a lot a savvy person can film and edit themselves without having to rely on professionals.
It isn’t enough for video production companies to expect clients to hire them because they have professional equipment or the skill set to be able to use it properly.
The video production companies that are surviving and thriving in this age of rapidly changing technology are those that provide clients with more than just traditional filming and editing. Production companies need to be content creators providing their clients with clear, brand appropriate content strategies, as well as the effective execution of those strategies through the different distribution channels.
The emergence of video content as the dominant communication tool on social media platforms is a byproduct of our insatiable appetite for content. As demand for instant video continues to increase, there isn’t always the time, need or funds available to hire professional content creators.
So here are our quick tips to help you film an interview or time sensitive announcement on your iPhone or smartphone:
- Film in landscape
You need to shoot all video footage in landscape otherwise you will end up with black bars down the side of your screen once you start editing.
- Film in a quiet place
There is nothing more distracting than background noise or poor sound on a video. Try and film away from background noise and away from traffic where sudden random noises could ruin your content.
- Film close to the subject
If you are filming off a smartphone, this will help ensure nothing in the background distracts the viewer and also help with audio quality.
- Provide Context
The simplest way to do this is to have the interviewee incorporate the question into their answer.
If the person just says, “yeah probably coming together once a week to share ideas” – the viewer is going to have no idea what you are talking about.
However if the subject says, “The most valuable thing a team can do is to come together once a week to share ideas”
- Keep a straight face
If the interviewee is surprisingly funny, the person filming needs to be able to contain him or herself. If they laugh along, the footage will be shaky, if they nod along, the footage will be shaky.
If you cant put the phone onto a stand then ask the person holding the camera to tune out and think of the weekend.
Unless your weekends are incredibly amusing, then think of something else.
- Keep it short
People take a surprisingly long time to get to the point. Help them.
If they take too long, ask them to do it again. The less edits the better your footage will look, the longer people take to get to the point, the more boring it becomes.
- Film double the amount you need
You will be shocked at how much footage will end up on the cutting room floor for one reason or another.
Film double the amount you think you need and you’ll be happy with the outcome.
Felicity has a decade of experience working as a presenter, host, MC, producer and content strategist. She’s worked both in front of and behind the camera for Fox FM, Triple M, Channel 9’s Today Show and Network Ten. She is now the founder and Director of GLUE Content and delivers video content for major corporates, creative agencies and sport brands. At the forefront of content development Felicity’s knowledge gives her an edge when it comes to driving engagement. Whether using the power of content to engage fans in sporting stadiums or innovating new ways for corporates to induct and train staff, Felicity is looking to the future and evolution of content by using the power of video to engage the next generation.